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Die Ursache des Einschlagens vom Blitze/Zitierte Werke

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Philosphical Transactions[Bearbeiten]

Vol. 11 (1676)

Vol. 14 (1684)

Vol. 39 (1735/1736)

  • Dod: An Account of an Extraordinary Effect of Lightning in Communicating Magnetism. Communicated by Pierce Dod, M. D. F. R. S. from Dr. Cookson of Wakefield in Yorkshire, in: Philosophical Transactions 39 (1735/1736), S. 74–75, Image:Royal Society Phil Trans Vol XXXIX 74 75.pdf, Reimarus S. 42

Vol. 45 (1748)

  • William Watson: A Collection of the Electrical Expeririments Communicated to the Royal Society by Wm. Watson, F. R. S. Read at Several Meetings between October 29. 1747. and Jan. 21. Following, in: Philosophical Transactions 45 (1748), S. 49–120. Image:Royal_Society_Phil_Trans_Vol_XLV_49_120.pdf, Reimarus S. 60

Vol. 46 (1749/1750)

  • Waddell / Knight: A Letter from Captain John Waddell to Mr. Naphthali Franks Merchant, concerning the Effects of Lightning in Destroying the Polarity of a Mariners Compass; To Which Are Subjoined Some Remarks Thereon, by Gowin Knight, M. B. F. R. S., in: Philosophical Transactions 46 (1749/1750), S. 111–117, Image:Royal Society Phil Trans Vol XLVI 111 117.pdf, Reimarus S. 41

Vol. 47 (1751/1752)

  • William Watson: An Account of the Phaenomena of Electricity in Vacuo, with Some Observations Thereupon, by Mr. Wm. Watson, F. R. S., in: Philosophical Transactions 47 (1751/1752), S. 362–376, Image:Royal_Society_Phil_Trans_Vol_XLVII_362_376.pdf, Reimarus S. 61
  • Guillaume Mazéas / James Parsons: Letters of the Abbe Mazeas, F. R. S. to the Rev. Stephen Hales, D. D, F. R. S. concerning the Success of the Late Experiments in France. Translated from the French by James Parsons, M. D. F. R. S., in: Philosophical Transactions 47 (1751/1752), S. 534–552, Image:Royal_Society_Phil_Trans_Vol_XLVII_534_552.pdf, Reimarus S. 73, 76, 88, 109

Vol. 48 (1753/54)

  • William Borlase: An Account of a Storm of Thunder and Lightning, Near Ludgvan in Cornwall, in a Letter from the Rev. Mr. Wm. Borlase, M. A. F. R. S. to the Rev. Dr. Lyttelton, Dean of Exeter, in: Philosophical Transactions 48 (1753/1754), S. 86–93, Image:Royal Society Phil Trans Vol XLVIII 86 93.pdf, Reimarus S. 39
  • James Parsons / Guillaume Mazéas: Observations upon the Electricity of the Air, Made at the Chateau de Maintenon, during the Months of June, July, and October, 1753; Being Part of a Letter from the Abbe Mazeas, F.R.S. to the Rev. Stephen Hales, D. D. F.R.S. Translated from the French by James Parsons, M. D. F. R. S., in: Philosophical Transactions 48 (1753/1754), S. 377–384,Image:Royal_Society_Phil_Trans_Vol_XLVIII_377_384.pdf, Reimarus S. 73, 79, 91, 110

Vol. 49 (1755/56)

  • An Account of the Death of Mr. George William Richman, Professor of Experimental Philosophy, a Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences at Petersburg. Translated from the High-Dutch, in: Philosophical Transactions 49 (1755/1756), S. 61–69, Image:Royal_Society_Phil_Trans_Vol_IL_61_69.pdf, Reimarus S. 94
  • Brander: An Account of the Effects of Lightning in the Danish Church, in Wellclose-Square … in: Philosophical Transactions 52 (1761/62), S. 298–299, Image:Royal Society Phil Trans Vol IL 298 299.pdf, Reimarus S. 33
  • Benjamin Franklin: Extract of a Letter concerning Electricity, from Mr. B. Franklin to Mons. Delibard, Inclosed in a Letter to Mr. Peter Collinson, F. R. S., in: Philosophical Transactions 49 (1755/56), S. 305–309, Image:Royal Society Phil Trans Vol IL 305 309.pdf, Reimarus S. 19, 99

Vol. 51 (1759/60)

  • Cooper / Warner: An Account of a Storm of Thunder and Lightning at Norwich, on the 13th of July 1758. By Mr. Samuel Cooper. Communicated by Mr. Joseph Warner, Surgeon of Guy's Hospital, and F. R. S., in: Philosophical Transactions 51 (1759/1760), S. 38–40, Image:Royal Society Phil Trans Vol LI 38 40.pdf, Reimarus S. 39
  • Benjamin Wilson: A Letter from Mr. Benjamin Wilson, F. R. S. to the Rev. Tho. Birch, D. D. Secret. R. S. [Relating] a Letter from Edward Delaval, M. A. and Fellow of Pembroke-Hall Cambridge, to Mr. Benjamin Wilson, F. R. S. Containing Some Electrical Experiments and Observations, in: Philosophical Transactions 51 (1759/1760), S. 83–88, Image:Royal_Society_Phil_Trans_Vol_LI_83_88.pdf, Reimarus S. 60, 104
  • William Mountaine: An Account of Some Extraordinary Effects of Lightning, in a Letter to Dr. Gowin Knight: By Mr. William Mountaine, F. R. S., in: Philosophical Transactions 51 (1759/1760), S. 286–299, Image:Royal Society Phil Trans Vol LI 286 299.pdf, Reimarus S. 39, 48
  • Robert Symmer: New Experiments and Observations concerning Electricity; By Robert Symmer, Esq; F. R. S., in: Philosophical Transactions 51 (1759/1760), S. 340–393, Image:Royal Society Phil Trans Vol LI 340 393.pdf, Reimarus S. 55
  • Benjamin Wilson: Experiments on the Tourmalin: by Mr. Benjamin Wilson, F. R. S. In a Letter to Dr. William Heberden, F. R. S., in: Philosophical Transactions 51 (1759/1760), S. 308–339, Image:Royal_Society_Phil_Trans_Vol_LI_308_339.pdf, Reimarus S. 58

Vol. 52 (1761/62)

  • William Borlase: An Account of a Remarkable Agitation of the Sea, July 28, 1761, and of Two Thunder-Storms in Cornwall: In a Letter to the Rev. Thomas Birch, D. D. Secretary to the Royal Society, from the Rev. William Borlase, M. A. F. R. S., in: Philosophical Transactions 52 (1761/62), S. 507–515, Image:Royal Society Phil Trans Vol LII 507 515.pdf, Reimarus S. 24, 101
  • William Watson: Some Suggestions concerning the Preventing the Mischiefs, Which Happen to Ships and Their Masts by Lightning; Being the Substance of a Letter to the Late Right Honourable George Lord Anson, First Lord of the Admiralty, and F. R. S. by William Watson, M. D. F. R. S., in: Philosophical Transactions 52 (1761/62), S. 629–635, Image:Royal Society Phil Trans Vol LII 629 635.pdf, Reimarus S. 31, 49, 85
  • Edward Delaval / John Canton: A Letter from John Canton, M. A. and F. R. S. to Benjamin Franklin, LL. D. and F. R. S. Containing Some Remarks on Mr. Delaval’s Electrical Experiments, in: Philosophical Transactions 52 (1761/1762), Image:Royal_Society_Phil_Trans_Vol_LII_457_461.pdf, S. 457–461, Reimarus S. 61

Vol. 53 (1763)

  • Ebenezer Kinnersley: New Experiments in Electricity: In a Letter from Mr. Ebenezer Kinnersley, to Benjamin Franklin, LL. D. F. R. S., in: Philosophical Transactions 53 (1763), S. 84–97, Image:Royal Society Phil Trans Vol LIII 84 97.pdf, Reimarus S. 31, 48, 60, 77
  • Torbern Bergman: Observations in Electricity and on a Thunder-Storm: In a Letter from Mr. Torbern Bergman, to Mr. Benjamin Wilson, F. R. S. Acad. Reg. Upsal. Soc., in: Philosophical Transactions 53 (1763), S. 97–100, Image:Royal Society Phil Trans Vol LIII 97 100.pdf, Reimarus S. 40, 87
  • Benjamin Wilson: A Letter from Mr. B. Wilson, F. R. S. and Member of the Royal Academy at Upsal, to Mr. Aepinus, Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Imperial Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg, and Member of the Academies of Berlin, Stockholm, and Erfurth, in: Philosophical Transactions 53 (1763), S. 436–466, Image:Royal_Society_Phil_Trans_Vol_LIII_436_466.pdf, Reimarus S. 79, 97

Vol. 54 (1764)

  • Heberden, An Account of the Effects of Lightening at South Weald, in Essex, in: Philosophical Transactions 54 (1764), S. 198–200, Image:Royal Society Phil Trans Vol LIV 198 200.pdf, Reimarus S. 5
  • William Watson: Observations upon the Effects of Lightning, with an Account of the Apparatus Proposed to Prevent Its Mischiefs to Buildings, More Particularly to Powder Magazines; Being Answers to Certain Questions Proposed by M. Calandrini, of Geneva, to William Watson, M. D. F. R. S., in: Philosophical Transactions 54 (1764), S. 201–227, Image:Royal Society Phil Trans Vol LIV 201 227.pdf, Reimarus S. 7, 27, 29, 32, 39, 43, 64, 66, 84, 108, 111
  • Edward Delaval: An Account of the Effects of Lightning in St. Bride's Church, Fleet-Street, on the 18th of June 1764: In a Letter to Mr. Benjamin Wilson, F. R. S. from Edward Delaval Esq; F. R. S., in: Philosophical Transactions 54 (1764), S. 227–234, Image:Royal Society Phil Trans Vol LIV 227 234.pdf, Reimarus S. 7, 42, 100
  • Lawrence: A Letter from Thomas Lawrence, M. D. to William Heberden, M. D. and F. R. S. concerning the Effects of Lightning, in Essex-Street, on the 18th of June, 1764, in: Philosophical Transactions 54 (1764), S. 235–238, Image:Royal Society Phil Trans Vol LIV 235 238.pdf, Reimarus S. 16
  • Benjamin Wilson: A Letter to the Marquiss of Rockingham, with Some Observations on the Effects of Lightening, in: Philosophical Transactions 54 (1764), S. 246–253, Image:Royal Society Phil Trans Vol LIV 246 253.pdf, Reimarus S. 32, 52, 61, 100

Vol. 55 (1765)

  • Griffith: Some Account of the Effects of a Storm of Thunder and Lightening in Pembroke College, Oxford, on June 3, 1765: In a Letter from Mr. Griffith, of the Said College, to the Rev. John Swinton, B. D. F. R. S., in: Philosophical Transactions 55 (1765), S. 273–279, Image:Royal Society Phil Trans Vol LV 273 279.pdf, Reimarus S. 40

Vol. 56 (1766)

  • Joannes Baptista Beccaria: Novorum Quorumdam in Re Electrica Experimentorum Specimen, Quod Regiae Londinensi Societati Mittebat Die 14 Januarii, Anni 1766. Joannes Baptista Beccaria ex Scholis Piis, & R. S. Soc., in: Philosophical Transactions 56 (1766), S. 105–118, Image:Royal_Society_Phil_Trans_Vol_LVI_105_118.pdf, Reimarus S. 56, 57
  • Torbern Bergman: Commentarius de Indole Electrica Turmalini, Auctore Torberno Bergman, Mathematum & Philosophiae Naturalis ad Reg. Academiam Ups. Adjuncto, Academiae Imper. N. C. Academiae Reg. Scientiarum Stockholmensis & Societatis Regiae Londinensis Membro, in: Philosophical Transactions 56 (1766), S. 236–243, Image:Royal_Society_Phil_Trans_Vol_LVI_236_243.pdf, Reimarus S. 58

Hannoverisches Magazin[Bearbeiten]

  • Hannoverisches Magazin
  • Erschienen: Hannover, 1763–1790
  • Forts.: Neues hannoversches Magazin

Bookmark: 62

Hamburgisches Magazin[Bearbeiten]

  • Hamburgisches Magazin, oder gesammlete Schriften, aus der Naturforschung und den angenehmen Wissenschaften überhaupt
  • Erschienen: Leipzig / Hamburg: 1747–1763
  • Forts.: Neues hamburgisches Magazin, oder Fortsetzung gesammleter Schriften aus der Naturforschung, der allgemeinen Stadt- und Landoekonomie und den angenehmen Wissenschaften überhaupt

Bookmark: 65

Physikalische Belustigungen[Bearbeiten]

  • Physikalische Belustigungen
  • Erschienen: Berlin 1751–1757

Bookmark: 73

Eigenständige Schriften[Bearbeiten]

Nollet, Lettres sur l’Electricité[Bearbeiten]

Bookmark: 73