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Zeitschriften (Illustrierte)/fremdsprachige

aus Wikisource, der freien Quellensammlung



  • The boy's own annual : an illustrated journal of fact, fiction, history, and adventure, London : "Boy's Own Paper" 1.1879-
    • The Boy's Own Annual is the title according to the annual volume and annual index of all single editions of one year; the individual editions carry the main title The Boy's Own Paper. An encyclopedic treatment of the paper dedicated to the specific needs of boys and adolescent males see the article in the English Wikipedia]

  • Boy's Yearly Volume, London : Ward, Lock, & Tyler
    • [6.]1868








  • Parley's Magazine ↗ZDB, New York : C.S. Francis & Co., 1.1833-12.1844 Forts. →
    • A juvenile miscellany founded in 1833 by Samuel G. Goodrich. It was instructive and moral, and featured a large number of woodcuts--12,000 in the first nine volumes. These woodcuts decorated the cover and illustrated the stories; pictures of wild animals and travel scenes appeared throughout. A great variety of material was included: Bible stories, little moralized tales, fables, dialogues, poems, letters, puzzles, and games. Articles dealt with geography, travel, natural history and with various industries and arts; also included were bits of curious information and directions for physical exercises. A page of music appeared in many issues, and serials, included Travels in Canada with "Peter Parley," published in 1841.
    • In 1844 it merged with Merry's Museum for Boys and Girls, which Goodrich had begun in 1841.
    • 1.1833 Harvard = Google; Google (Indiana)
    • 2.1834 Indiana = Google, Harvard = Google
    • 3.1835 Indiana = Google
    • 4.1836 Indiana = Google, Harvard = Google
    • 5.1837 Harvard = Google; Google (Indiana)
    • 6.1838 Chicago, Harvard = Google
    • 7.1839
    • 8.1840 Harvard = Google
    • 9.1841 Chicago = Google, Harvard = Google
    • 10.1842 Indiana = Google, Harvard = Google
    • 11.1843 Harvard = Google
    • 12.1844 Harvard = Google
    • from 1845 merged into (Robert) Merry's Museum ← Vorg.
    • 1844-1863 also Peter Parley's magazine : A Christmas and New Year's present for young people, published in London : Darton ← Vorg.



  • /The St. James' magazine, London 1.1861,Apr. - 21.1868,März; N.S. 1.1868,Apr. - 8.1872,März; 4.Ser. 41.1881 - 42.1882,Jan.
    • 2497243-5





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