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Zeitschriften (Kunst)/fremdsprachige/The ladies' cabinet of fashion, music & romance

aus Wikisource, der freien Quellensammlung
Titel: The ladies' cabinet of fashion, music & romance
Ort: London
Zeitraum: 1832–1870
1.1832-14.1838; [2nd ser.] 1.1839-10.1843; [3rd ser.] 1.1844-17.1852, [4th ser.] 1.1852-9.1856, [5th ser.] 1.1857 - 1870?
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Fachgebiete: Kunst
Sigle: '
Artikel in der Wikipedia
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[[d:{{{WIKIDATA}}}|Datenobjekt bei Wikidata]]
Eintrag in der ZDB: ZDB-Eintrag vorhanden kein ZDB-Eintrag vorhanden
Eintrag in der GND: [1]
Inhalt nicht erfasst

Bibliographic information

  • Jan./June 1832 - July/Dec. 1838 called Vols. 1-14
  • Jan./June 1839 - July/Dec. 1843 [new series] Vols. 1-10
  • Jan./June 1844 - Jan./June 1852 called New [i.e. 3rd] series, Vols. 1-17;
  • July/Dec. 1852 - July/Dec. 1856 called new ser. [i.e. 4th ser.] Vols. 1-9
  • from July 1852 - Dec. 1870 the volumes are identical with those of: The new monthly belle assemblée and: Ladies' companion and monthly magazine, for the same dates
  • from Jan. 1857-Dec. 1870 the volumes are identical with those of: The illustrated magazine, for the same dates.
  • vol. 10 [Jan.-June 1857]- called 2nd ser. [=5th ser.]

1832 - 1838 1st series, Vols. 1-14


1839 - 1843 2nd series = new series, Vols. 1-10


1844 - 1852 (Jan-Jun) 3rd series, Vols. 1-17


1852 (Jul-Dec) - 1856 4th series, Vols. 1-9

  • from July 1852-Dec. 1870 the volumes are identical with those of: The new monthly belle assemblée and: Ladies' companion and monthly magazine, for the same dates
  • =>July 1852-Dec. 1870 see volumes of The new monthly belle assemblée


  • Bodleian lists the following vols. as 3rd series (including those further down, which officially cary the title "2nd series") : v.1-5(1852-1854), v.5-8(1854-1856), v.9-12(1856-1857), v.13-16(1858)), v. 17-20(1862), v.21-24(1863-1864), v.36-37(1870) - all seem to not have been digitized