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Seite:Bertha von Suttner – Die Waffen nieder! (Band 2).djvu/311

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in London ihren Hauptsitz habende Liga an mich geschrieben hat:

International Arbitration and Peace
Association. London 41, Outer Temple
July 1889.
You have honoured me by inquiring as to the actual position of the great question to which you have devoted your life. Here is my answer: At no time, perhaps, in the history of the world, has the cause of peace and goodwill been more hopeful. It seems that, at last, the long night of death and destruction will pass away: and we who are on the mountain top of humanity, think that we see the first streaks of the dawn of the kingdom of Heaven upon earth. It may seem strange, that we should say this at a moment, when the world has never seen so many armed men and such frightful engines of destruction ready for their accursed work: – but when things are at their worst, they begin to mend. Indeed, the very ruin which these armies are bringing in their train, produces universal consternation and soon the oppressed Peoples must rise and with one voice say to their rulers: „Save us, and save our children from de famine which awaits us, if these things continue; – Save Civilisation and all the triumphs which the efforts of wise and great men have accomplished in its name; save the world from a return to barbarism, rapine and terror!“
„What indications“, do you ask, „are there of such a dawn of a better day?“ Well, let me ask in reply is not the recent meeting at Paris of the Representatives of one hundred Societies for de declaration of international concord, for the substitution of a state of law and justice for that of force and wrong, an event unparalleled in history? Have we not seen men of
Empfohlene Zitierweise:
Bertha von Suttner: Die Waffen nieder!. E. Pierson’s Verlag, Dresden/Leipzig 1899, Band 2, Seite 306. Digitale Volltext-Ausgabe bei Wikisource, URL: https://de.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=Seite:Bertha_von_Suttner_%E2%80%93_Die_Waffen_nieder!_(Band_2).djvu/311&oldid=- (Version vom 31.7.2018)