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Großer Komet von 1881

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Großer Komet von 1881
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  • Auwers, Arthur. 1881. Beobachtung des Cometen b 1881 auf der Berliner Sternwarte am 6-zölligen Fraunhofer. 28. Juni. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2382. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 91–92 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Beck, A. 1881. Comet b 1881. Rectascensionen aus Meridianbeobachtungen. 2. Juli. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2394. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 285–286 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Becker, E. 1881. Beobachtungen des Cometen b 1881 am grossen Meridiankreise der Berliner Sternwarte. 3. September. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2393. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 271–272 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Belopolsky, A. & Socoloff, A. 1881. Beobachtungen des Cometen b 1881 am Meridiankreise der Moskauer Sternwarte. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2395. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 303–304 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Chandrikoff, M. und Fabritius, W. 1881. Meridianbeobachtungen des grossen Cometen b 1881. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2389. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 205–206 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Deichmüller, Fr. 1881. Ueber den grossen Cometen b 1881. 3. August. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2387. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 171–172 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Deichmüller, Fr. 1881. Bemerkung zu den Elementen des Cometen b 1881. 27. August. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2392. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 255–256 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Deichmüller, Fr. 1881. Meridianbeobachtungen des grossen Cometen b 1881. 12. August. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2396. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 319–320 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Dunér, N. C. 1881. Elliptische Elemente des Cometen b 1881. 21. August. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2390. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 217–218 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Dunér, N. C. und Engström, F. 1881. Beobachtungen, Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen b 1881. 5. September. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2394. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 283–286 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Dunér, N. C. 1881. Ephemeride des Cometen b 1881. 11. Oktober. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2399. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 365–366 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Elkin, W. L. 1881. Mittheilung nach einem Schreiben des Herrn Dr. Elkin vom Cap der guten Hoffnung d. d. 1881 Juni 7 an Prof. Winnecke. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2382. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 93–94 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Fabritius, W. 1881. Beobachtungen und Elemente des grossen Cometen b 1881. 27. Juni. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2382. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 95–96 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Galle, J. G. 1881. Beobachtungen des Cometen b 1881. September. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2400. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 375–378 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Gyldén, Hugo. 1881. Beobachtung des Cometen b 1881 am Aequatoreal der Stockholmer Sternwarte. 22. Juni. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2382. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 93–94 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Klinkerfues, E. F. W. 1881. Meridianbeobachtungen des Cometen b 1881 auf der Sternwarte zu Göttingen. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2398. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 347–348 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Kobold, H. A. 1881. Ortsbestimmungen von Cometen am 6zölligen Refractor der Sternwarte O’ Gylla. August. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2398. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 341–344 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Kowalczyk, A. 1881. Beobachtungen des Cometen b 1881 am Meridiankreise der Warschauer Sternwarte. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2382. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 93–94 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Kowalczyk, A. 1881. Beobachtungen des Cometen b 1881 am Meridiankreise der Warschauer Sternwarte. 23. Juli. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2393. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 271–272 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Krueger, A. 1881. Ueber den neuen auf der südlichen Hemisphäre entdeckten Cometen b 1881. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2380. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 53–54 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Krueger et al. 1881. Auffindung und Beobachtungen des Cometen b 1881. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2381. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 77–80 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Krueger, A. 1881. Bemerkung des Herausgebers zu obiger Beobachtung vom Juni 11. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2384. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 115–116 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Lindstedt, A. 1881. Meridian-Beobachtungen und Elemente des Cometen b 1881. 2./3. Juli. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2384. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 125–126 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Meyer, M. Wilhelm. 1881. Elemente des grossen Cometen b 1881. 4. Juli. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2383. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 111–112 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Nyrén, M. 1881. Beobachtungen der Cometen b 1881 und 1874 III am Verticalkreise der Pulkowaer Sternwarte. 23. Juli. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2389. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 203–204 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Oppenheim, H. 1881. Elemente und Ephemeride des grossen Cometen b 1881. 29. Juni. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2382. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 91–92 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Oppenheim, H. 1881. Elemente und Ephemeride des grossen Cometen b 1881. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2384. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 119–120 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Pechüle, C. F. 1881. Meridianbeobachtungen des Cometen b 1881. 2. September. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2398. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 349–352 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Peters, C. F. W. 1881. Elemente und Ephemeride des Cometen b 1881. 27. Juni. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2381. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 75–76 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Peters, C. F. W. 1881. Beobachtungen des Cometen b 1881 am Aequatorial der Sternwarte zu Kiel. 12. Juli. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2384. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 123–124 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Peters, C. H. F. 1881. Observations of the Great Comet, made at the Litchfield Observatory of Hamilton College. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2394. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 287–288 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Raths, J. 1881. Beobachtungen des Cometen b 1881 am Repsold’schen Meridiankreise und Elemente. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2384. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 123–124 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Riem, Johannes 1895. Über die Bahn des großen Kometen 1881 III (Tebbut). Dissertation, Halle, 1895 MDZ München
  • Romberg, H. 1881. Comet b 1881 beobachtet in seiner untern Culmination am Repsold’schen Meridiankreise der Sternwarte zu Pulkowa. 28. Juli. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2390. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 219–220 SOA/NASA ADS
  • van de Sande Bakhuyzen, E. F. 1881. Beobachtungen und Elemente des Cometen b 1881. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2382. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 91–92 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Tempel, Wilh. 1881. Beobachtungen von Cometen, angestellt auf der K. Sternwarte Arcetri bei Florenz. 24. September. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2400. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 371–374 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Vogel, H. C. 1881. Ueber die Spectra der Cometen b und c 1881. 5. September. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2395. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 301–304 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Wagner, A. 1881. Beobachtungen derselben Cometen am grossen Passageninstrument der Sternwarte in Pulkowa. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2389. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 203–204 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Weinek, Ladislaus. 1881. Meridianbeobachtungen des Cometen b 1881 auf der Leipziger Sternwarte. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2384. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 123–124 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Weinek, Ladislaus. 1881. Elemente des Cometen b 1881. 13. Juli Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2384. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 123–124 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Winnecke, F. A. T. 1881. Beobachtung des Cometen b 1881 auf der Strassburger Sternwarte. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2382. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 93–94 siehe Autorenseite
  • Winnecke, F. A. T. 1881. Beobachtungen des Cometen b 1881 auf der Strassburger Sternwarte von Herrn Dr. Schur. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2383. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 111–112 siehe Autorenseite
  • Wittram, T. F. G. 1881. Beobachtungen und Elemente des Cometen b 1881. 2. Juli. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2384. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 121–122 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Zelbr, Karl. 1881. Ueber den Cometen b 1881. 15. August. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2389. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 203–206 SOA/NASA ADS


  • Backhouse, T. W. 1882. Observations of Comet b, 1881. June 5. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society containing Papers, Abstracts of Papers, and Reports of the Proceedings of the Society from November 1881 to November 1882. Vol. XLII. London: Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., 1882, pp. 413–421 Princeton-USA*
  • Bone, W. 1881. On an Object seen near Comet b, 1881, on June 10, 1881. October 22 & November 6. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society containing Papers, Abstracts of Papers, and Reports of the Proceedings of the Society from November 1881 to November 1882. Vol. XLII. London: Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., 1882, pp. 105–106 Princeton-USA*
  • Boss, Lewis. 1881. Observations on the Comet 1881 b. July 19. American Journal of Science. Third Series. Vol. XXII. Nos. 127–132. July to December 1881. New Haven, Conn.: J. D. & E. S. Dana, 1881, No. 128, pp. 140–141
  • Boss, Lewis. 1881. Notes on the Tail of Comet b, 1881. September 8. American Journal of Science. Third Series. Vol. XXII. Nos. 127–132. July to December 1881. New Haven, Conn.: J. D. & E. S. Dana, 1881, pp. 303–312 California-USA*
  • Burton, Charles E. et al. 1881. The Comet. Nature. Vol. XXIV, No. 610, 7th July. London and New York: MacMillan and Co., 1881, pp. 221–224
  • Chandler, S. C., Jr. 1881. Elemente des Cometen b 1881. June 27. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2384. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 121–122 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Christie, W. H. M. and Maunder, E. W. 1881. Comet b 1881. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. IV. London: Taylor and Francis, 1881, pp. 214–216 Michigan-USA*
  • Common, Andrew Ainslie. 1881. Photography as applied to Comet b 1881. July 17. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. IV. London: Taylor and Francis, 1881, p. 232 Michigan-USA*
  • Denning, W. F. 1881. Conjunction of the Comet b 1881 with the Star P Camelopardi (Bode). July 15. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. IV. London: Taylor and Francis, 1881, pp. 242–243 Michigan-USA*
  • Draper, Henry. 1881. Photographs of Comet b 1881. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. IV. London: Taylor and Francis, 1881, p. 239 Michigan-USA*
  • Draper, Henry. 1881. Note on Photographs of the Spectrum of Comet b 1881. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. IV. London: Taylor and Francis, 1881, pp. 252–253 Michigan-USA*
  • †Dunér, N. C. and Engström, F. 1881. Elements and Ephemeris of Comet b 1881. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. IV. London: Taylor and Francis, 1881, p. 310 Michigan-USA*
  • Eddie, L. A. 1881. Observations of Comet b 1881 made at Graham’s Town. June. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society containing Papers, Abstracts of Papers, and Reports of the Proceedings of the Society from November 1880 to November 1881. Vol. XLI. London: Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., 1881, pp. 434–437 California-USA*
  • Ellery, Rob. J. 1881. Schreiben des Herrn Ellery, Director der Sternwarte in Melbourne, betr. den Cometen b 1881. June 6. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2384. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 119–120 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Ellery, Rob. J. 1881. Beobachtungen und Elemente des Cometen b 1881. June 20. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2388. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 187–188 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Frisby, E. 1881. Elements of Comet b 1881. July 16. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2387. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 175–176 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Gould, B. A. 1881. Schreiben des Herrn Dr. B. A. Gould, Director der Sternwarte in Cordoba, betreffend den Cometen b 1881. May 31. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2383. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 107–110 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Gould, B. A. 1881. Zwei Schreiben des Herrn Dr. B. A. Gould, Director der Sternwarte zu Cordoba. June 9 & 16. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2384. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 113–115 SOA/NASA ADS
  • *Gould, B. A. 1882. Dr. Gould’s Observations (June 11th) of Comet b, 1881. February 23. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. V. London: Taylor and Francis, 1882, pp. 229–231 Michigan-USA*
  • Graham, A. 1881. Elements of Comet b 1881. September 9. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society containing Papers, Abstracts of Papers, and Reports of the Proceedings of the Society from November 1880 to November 1881. Vol. XLI. London: Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., 1881, pp. 440–441 California-USA*
  • Gwynne, B. E. W. 1881. Observations of Comet b 1881 made at Monte Video. June. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society containing Papers, Abstracts of Papers, and Reports of the Proceedings of the Society from November 1880 to November 1881. Vol. XLI. London: Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., 1881, p. 480 California-USA*
  • Hind, J. R. 1881. Elements of Comet b 1881. July 25. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. IV. London: Taylor and Francis, 1881, pp. 240–241 Michigan-USA*
  • Holden, Edward S. 1881. Observations of Comet b, 1881, made at the Washburn Observatory, Uiniversity of Wisconsin, Madison. August 25. American Journal of Science. Third Series. Vol. XXII. Nos. 127–132. July to December 1881. New Haven, Conn.: J. D. & E. S. Dana, 1881, pp. 260–263 California-USA*
  • Huggins, William. 1881. Photographic Spectrum of Comet b 1881. June 27. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2385. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 143–144 SOA/NASA ADS [sic!]
  • Huggins, William. 1881. Preliminary Note on the Photographic Spectrum of Comet b 1881. June & July. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. From November 17, 1881, to March, 3, 1882. Vol. XXXIII. London: Harrison and Sons, 1882, pp. 1–3 Michigan-USA*
  • *Huggins, William. 1881. Note on the Photographic Spectrum of Comet b 1881. July 9. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. Vol. XII. Fifth Series. July–December 1881. London: Taylor and Francis, 1881, pp. 155–156 California-USA*
  • *Huggins, William. 1881. On the Photographic Spectrum of Comet b 1881. July 9. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. IV. London: Taylor and Francis, 1881, pp. 233–234 Michigan-USA*
  • Knobel, E. B. 1881. Notes on Sketches of Comet b, 1881. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society containing Papers, Abstracts of Papers, and Reports of the Proceedings of the Society from November 1881 to November 1882. Vol. XLII. London: Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., 1882, pp. 76–77 Princeton-USA*
  • Konkoly-Thege, Miklós 1881. Spectroscopic Observations of Comet b 1881, made at the Astro-physical Observatory, O’-Gyalla, Hungary. August 12. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. IV. London: Taylor and Francis, 1881, pp. 257–260 Michigan-USA*
  • Markwick, E. C. 1881. Observations of Comet b 1881 made at Pretoria. June 16. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society containing Papers, Abstracts of Papers, and Reports of the Proceedings of the Society from November 1880 to November 1881. Vol. XLI. London: Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., 1881, pp. 438–440 California-USA*
  • Morris, S. S. O. 1881. The Great Comet b 1881. May 31 & June 2. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. IV. London: Taylor and Francis, 1881, pp. 241–242 Michigan-USA*
  • Noble, W. 1881. Physical Observations of Comet b, 1881, made at Forest Lodge, Maresfield. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society containing Papers, Abstracts of Papers, and Reports of the Proceedings of the Society from November 1881 to November 1882. Vol. XLII. London: Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., 1882, pp. 47–48 Princeton-USA*
  • *Oppenheimer, H. 1881. Elements and Ephemeris of Comet b 1881. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. IV. London: Taylor and Francis, 1881, pp. 246–247 Michigan-USA*
  • Parson, J. F. 1882. Sextant Observations of Comet b, 1881. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society containing Papers, Abstracts of Papers, and Reports of the Proceedings of the Society from November 1881 to November 1882. Vol. XLII. London: Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., 1882, pp. 421–422 Princeton-USA*
  • Penrose, F. C. 1881. On a Method for Finding the Elements of the Orbit of a Comet by a Graphical Process. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society containing Papers, Abstracts of Papers, and Reports of the Proceedings of the Society from November 1881 to November 1882. Vol. XLII. London: Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., 1882, pp. 68–76 Princeton-USA*
  • Perry, S. J. 1881. Observations of Comet b, 1881, made at Stonyhurst Observatory. November 17. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society containing Papers, Abstracts of Papers, and Reports of the Proceedings of the Society from November 1881 to November 1882. Vol. XLII. London: Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., 1882, pp. 43–44 Princeton-USA*
  • Plummer, John I. 1881. Conjunction of Comet b 1881 with a Star. August 8. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. IV. London: Taylor and Francis, 1881, p. 277 Michigan-USA*
  • †Respighi, M. 1881. On the Light of Comets. September 5. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. Vol. XII. Fifth Series. July–December 1881. London: Taylor and Francis, 1881, pp. 306–307 California-USA*
  • Royal Observatory, Greenwich. 1881. Right Ascensions and North Polar Distances of Comet b 1881. July 27. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2389. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 205–206 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Royal Observatory, Greenwich. 1881. On the Spectra of Comets b and c, 1881, observed at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. November 10. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society containing Papers, Abstracts of Papers, and Reports of the Proceedings of the Society from November 1881 to November 1882. Vol. XLII. London: Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., 1882, pp. 12–19 Princeton-USA*
  • Stone, Ormond and Wilson, Herbert C. 1883. Observations of the Comets of 1880, 1881 and 1882. Publications of the Cincinnati Observatory 7. Cincinnati: Published by Authority of the Board of Directors of the University, 1883, pp. 4–10 California-USA*, 35–52 California-USA*
  • Tebbutt, John. 1881. Appearance of another Southern Comet (Comet b 1881). May 31. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. IV. London: Taylor and Francis, 1881, pp. 239–240 Michigan-USA*
  • Tebbutt, John. 1881. Observations of a Southern Comet b 1881. June 18. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2387. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 171–174 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Tebbutt, John. 1881. Observations and Elements of Comet b 1881. August 10. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society containing Papers, Abstracts of Papers, and Reports of the Proceedings of the Society from November 1880 to November 1881. Vol. XLI. London: Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., 1881, pp. 442–443 California-USA*
  • Tebbutt, John. 1881. Apparent Places of Comet 1881 II. August 12. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2397. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 333–334 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Tebbutt, John. 1881. Orbit Elements of Comet b 1881. August 15. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2397. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 335–336 SOA/NASA ADS
  • *Tebbutt, John. 1881. Dr. Gould’s Observations (June 11th) of Comet b 1881. October 15. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. V. London: Taylor and Francis, 1882, pp. 18–20 Michigan-USA*
  • *Tebbutt, John. 1882. Dr. Gould’s Observations of Comet 1881, III., on June 11. September 5. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. V. London: Taylor and Francis, 1882, pp. 363–365 Michigan-USA*
  • Todd, C. 1881. Approximate Positions of Comet b, 1881, deduced from observations made at the Adelaide Observatory. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society containing Papers, Abstracts of Papers, and Reports of the Proceedings of the Society from November 1881 to November 1882. Vol. XLII. London: Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., 1882, p. 46 Princeton-USA*
  • Vivian, H. T. 1881. Elements of Comet b, 1881. November 3. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society containing Papers, Abstracts of Papers, and Reports of the Proceedings of the Society from November 1881 to November 1882. Vol. XLII. London: Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., 1882, pp. 44–45 Princeton-USA*
  • Wright, Arthur W. 1881. The Polarization of Light from Comet b, 1881. July 25. American Journal of Science. Third Series. Vol. XXII. Nos. 127–132. July to December 1881. New Haven, Conn.: J. D. & E. S. Dana, 1881, No. 128, pp. 142–144
  • *Wright, Arthur W. 1881. The Polarization of Light from Comet b 1881. July 25. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. IV. London: Taylor and Francis, 1881, pp. 253–256 Michigan-USA*
  • Young, Charles Augustus. 1881. Spectroscopic Observations of Comet b 1881. July 9. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. IV. London: Taylor and Francis, 1881, pp. 256–257 Michigan-USA*
  • Young, Charles Augustus. 1881. Spectroscopic Observations upon the Comet b, 1881. July 14. American Journal of Science. Third Series. Vol. XXII. Nos. 127–132. July to December 1881. New Haven, Conn.: J. D. & E. S. Dana, 1881, No, 128, pp. 135–137
  • *Young, Charles Augustus. 1881. Spectroscopic Observations upon the Comet b 1881. July 14. The Observatory. A Monthly Review of Astronomy. Vol. IV. London: Taylor and Francis, 1881, pp. 282–284 Michigan-USA*


  • Borrelly, A. & Coggia, J.. 1881. Observations de la Comète b 1881. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2398. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 337–340 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Bredichin, Theodor Alexandrovitch. 1881. Sur les queues des Comètes b et c de 1881. 17 Décembre. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. Année 1881. Tome LVI. Seconde Partie. Moscou: l’Université Impériale, 1882, p. 137–140 California-USA*
  • Bredichin, Theodor Alexandrovitch. 1882. Recherches sur les Comètes de 1881 b et c et de 1825, IV. Annales de l’Observatoire de Moscou. Volume VIII. Moscou: A. Lang, 1882, p. 57–112 Chicago-USA*
  • Fiévez, Charles. 1881. Analyse de la lumière de la comète (b) de 1881. Bulletin de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. Cinquantième Année. 3me Série, T. 2. Bruxelles: F. Hayez, 1881, p. 37–39 Michigan-USA*
  • de Gasparis, A. 1881. Éléments et observations méridiennes à Naples de la Grande Comète (b) 1881. 9 Juillet. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2384. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 125–126 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Observatoire, Madrid. 1881. Observations méridiennes de la Cométe b 1881, faites à l’Observatoire de Madrid. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2382. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 89–90 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Respighi, M. 1881. Sur la lumière des comètes. 5 Séptembre. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences. Tome Quatre-Vingt-Treizième. Juillet–Décembre 1881. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1881, p. 439–440 New York-USA*
  • Thury, M. et Meyer, M. W. 1881. La Comète b de 1881. Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles. Troisième Période. Tome Sixiéme. Genéve: Bureau des Archives, 1881, p. 154–201 Wisconsin-USA*
  • Ventosa, V. 1881. Observations méridiennes de la Comète b 1881 à Madrid. 16 Julliet. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2384. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 121–122 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Ventosa, V. 1881. Berichtigungen zu den Beobachtungen sowie Elemente des Cometen 1881 III. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2400. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 373–376 SOA/NASA ADS


  • Abetti, Antonio. 1881. Osservazioni della grande Cometa b 1881 tatte all’ Osservatorio di Padova. 25 & 28 Giugno. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2382. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 93–96 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Abetti, Antonio. 1881. Elemente des Cometen c 1881, sowie Beobachtungen des Mars, Jupiter und der Cometen b und c 1881 auf der Sternwarte zu Padua. 2 Settembre. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2395. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 293–302 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Cacciatore, G. 1881. Osservazioni della grande cometa b 1881 fatte al cerchio meridiano di Palermo. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2390. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 223–224 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Tacchini, Pietro. 1881. Osservazioni della cometa b 1881. 15 Agosto. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2400. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 377–378 SOA/NASA ADS
  • Tacchini, Pietro. 1881. Osservazioni della cometa b 1881. 23 Agosto. Astronomische Nachrichten. 100. Band. Nr. 2400. Kiel: C. F. Mohr, 1881, Sp. 379–382 SOA/NASA ADS

Populärwissenschaftliche Literatur

  • Aaron Nichols Skinner: About Comets. Popular Science Monthly. Vol. XIX. May to October, 1881. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1881, pp. 790–795