Benutzer Diskussion:Bob Burkhardt
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Hallo Bob Burkhardt!
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Liebe Grüße, Paulis 20:50, 9. Sep. 2008 (CEST)
Hello Bob, Voting done ? Good luck and thx for your contributions, Mentelin -- 21:16, 4. Nov. 2008 (CET)
Hi Bob, thanks for the text. Why did you choose the edition of 1911 and not from 1906? Has this a special reason? If the text is complete and you agree, i will automatically change a few things. These include the header on each page and the citation in the footer. Many greetings --Xarax (Rechtsschreibfählermäldeställe) 22:16, 24. Dez. 2008 (CET)
- Xarax, Thank you for your changes. They have already helped. Go ahead and make any more you think will help. I used the 1911 edition because I already have all the pages as JPEGs. There are some minor problems. I accidentally left two pages out, and for those I'm using scans of the 1906 edition pages although they don't coincide exactly. And one page got clipped. And it would be nice to have the title page. So I may go back to Harvard at some point and get these, or maybe someone else will come up with them. I have the 1906 edition, but it is half Xeroxed and those pages would all need to be scanned to make them available to Wikicommons, and the JPEGS I have would need to be split in half since I did double-page scans. In addition, the 1911 text is the same I believe, but the pages for the Volksausgabe are much more condensed and so the images take up less space. The 1911 edition has some interesting section titles in the page headers which I have not included. The 1906 edition has a nice frontispiece photo of Schurz and Kinkel which 1911 is missing, but that is its only bonus along with text that is a bit easier to read. The American edition and its serialization have a lot of illustrations which didn't make it to the German edition. Too bad. But the text is the main thing. Most of the illustrations from the American edition and its serialization are available at Commons:Carl Schurz. Alles Gute. Bob Burkhardt 22:36, 24. Dez. 2008 (CET)
- Thanks for your answer. If you wish, I can contribute the scans from the 1906/07 edition complete, single pages, quality seems good enough. The only thing what bothers are the frontispiece photos. It is very poor quality. The section titles in the page headers are not neccesary for wikisource. --Xarax (Rechtsschreibfählermäldeställe) 22:59, 24. Dez. 2008 (CET)
- No. What I need are a few 1911 pages for Vol. 1. I don't see the point in putting up the 1906 for the first volume. The pages are broken up differently. It seems like more trouble than it is worth. There are probably some German speakers who would appreciate the second and third(?) volumes (Schurz in America) if you have those. I have actually never read them in German, and don't have any plans to put them up myself, 1906 or 1911 (and I think there's a later edition as well). Bob Burkhardt 23:20, 24. Dez. 2008 (CET)
Hallo Bob, ich bin auf obige Rede von Carl Schurz gestoßen, habe sie aufmerksam gelesen und ausser einer Kleinigkeit keinen offensichtlichen Fehler gefunden. Allerdings fand ich auch keinen Scan, denn google, so wie er verlinkt ist, bietet ihn offenbar nicht (mehr) an. Ich entnehme vorigem Para, dass Du bereits Scans gezogen hast. Kannst Du sie in Commons hochladen? Danke. --CIEL 19:27, 1. Jan. 2010 (CET)
- CIEL, ich habe die Link geprüft und ich glaube sie funktioniert noch. Vielleicht gibt es kein OCR, aber PDF ja. Was ist los? Bob Burkhardt 20:34, 1. Jan. 2010 (CET)
- Hallo, euch beiden auch ein gutes neues Jahr. Bob: Der Scan ist (wie alle Bücher nach 1869) in Europa nicht direkt, sondern nur über WS:Proxy erreichbar. Da wir bei allen unseren Texten dem Leser einen unmittelbaren Zugriff auf den Scan bieten müssen, habe ich die Kopie im Internet Archive verlinkt. CIEL: Immer dort nachsehen (Buch-Id in die Suche kopieren) wenn du etwas vermisst. -- 20:54, 1. Jan. 2010 (CET)
- Die pdf ist auf Commons und PR ist eingebaut. -- Paulis 21:08, 1. Jan. 2010 (CET)
- Danke, ich wünsche euch allen ein gutes neues Jahr. Bob Burkhardt 21:30, 1. Jan. 2010 (CET)
- Wenn nur Alles so schnell erledigt werden könnte.... Was den Proxy angeht, so ist das für mich (schließlich bin ich schon in ziemlich fortgeschrittenem Alter) ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln. Dank daher an Paulis und Euch allen ein erfolgreiches neues Jahr. --CIEL 23:31, 1. Jan. 2010 (CET)
- Die pdf ist auf Commons und PR ist eingebaut. -- Paulis 21:08, 1. Jan. 2010 (CET)
- Hallo, euch beiden auch ein gutes neues Jahr. Bob: Der Scan ist (wie alle Bücher nach 1869) in Europa nicht direkt, sondern nur über WS:Proxy erreichbar. Da wir bei allen unseren Texten dem Leser einen unmittelbaren Zugriff auf den Scan bieten müssen, habe ich die Kopie im Internet Archive verlinkt. CIEL: Immer dort nachsehen (Buch-Id in die Suche kopieren) wenn du etwas vermisst. -- 20:54, 1. Jan. 2010 (CET)
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Global message delivery, --01:00, 25. Jul. 2013 (CEST)
Regeln für neue Projekte
[Bearbeiten]Hier hat sich wohl einiges geändert seit 2013, siehe Wikisource_Diskussion:Projekte#Regeln_für_neue_Projekte. --2003:8E:6B0A:D00:7938:BC10:A02A:7B99 10:54, 3. Jan. 2019 (CET)
- Danke und ich bitte um Verzeihung. Ihr Hauptseite wirklich sagt sie haben Regeln, und ich habe sie nicht gelesen. Ich werde sie lesen. Bob Burkhardt (Diskussion) 18:23, 3. Jan. 2019 (CET)
Die Heimath in der neuen Welt
[Bearbeiten]Hi Bob, I wonder if we should add an index of all persons and places mentioned in the above, after it is emended. I think that would boost the value of the work. What do you think about it? Bodhi-Baum (Diskussion) 19:13, 26. Sep. 2019 (CEST)
Hi Bodhi-Baum, The French translation has introductory summaries in its table of contents which provide this facility somewhat, and the German translation will introduce these in volumes II and III in an even more thorough manner (page through the "Inhalt" at the beginning of volume II for example). Perhaps we could fake this approach for volume I, and if we mark it appropriately as a Wikisource addition it would be acceptable to the other editors. This would be acceptable to me, if you think it is a worthwhile substitute for your approach, but we should discuss this with Maasikaru to see what he thinks as well. Bob Burkhardt (Diskussion) 19:54, 26. Sep. 2019 (CEST)
- Hi Bob, I just thought it could be a good idea, to have a sort of index to - as a reader - be able to see which persons are mentioned at a glance. Atm I link to existing german / english wikipedia if an article exists (I know that we normally add remarks in footnotes, but the other way seems more convienient to me) Gruß --Bodhi-Baum (Diskussion) 08:58, 27. Sep. 2019 (CEST)
- Bodhi-Baum, I plan to try the idea of the chapter summaries. On the contents page (Die Heimath in der neuen Welt/Erster Band), I will try to exactly imitate the the French |Table des Matières, but translating into German. I think this will hit all the points you are interested in, although there will be a few more things; the summaries are brief enough that it will all fit well on the contents page and provide the at-a-glance access you are interested in. Admittedly there will not be detailed page numbers or alphabetical order. If you are inclined, you can add page links to the text of the summaries (and of course your help in drafting the text is welcome as well). I will implement this gradually, but it should be completed by the time the volume is done. I should do the same thing for the English translation as well. Bob Burkhardt (Diskussion) 18:02, 28. Sep. 2019 (CEST)
- That sounds very good, Bob, If I can be of any help, let me know. Bodhi-Baum (Diskussion) 18:12, 28. Sep. 2019 (CEST)
- @Bodhi-Baum: I translated the description for the first letter and put it in the table of contents. I couldn't find anything in the letter corresponding to ”explosions lumineuses“ (brilliant explosions, apparently related to the ”Schönheit des Meeres“) either in the French or German version so I left it out. Maybe you remember something like this in the first letter? I just skimmed it and looked for the particular words, but couldn't turn up anything. I did a translation for the English version as well. Library Guy (Diskussion) 18:38, 4. Okt. 2019 (CEST)
- Bodhi-Baum, I plan to try the idea of the chapter summaries. On the contents page (Die Heimath in der neuen Welt/Erster Band), I will try to exactly imitate the the French |Table des Matières, but translating into German. I think this will hit all the points you are interested in, although there will be a few more things; the summaries are brief enough that it will all fit well on the contents page and provide the at-a-glance access you are interested in. Admittedly there will not be detailed page numbers or alphabetical order. If you are inclined, you can add page links to the text of the summaries (and of course your help in drafting the text is welcome as well). I will implement this gradually, but it should be completed by the time the volume is done. I should do the same thing for the English translation as well. Bob Burkhardt (Diskussion) 18:02, 28. Sep. 2019 (CEST)
- @Library Guy: Very good, but I also don`t recall anything like that, sorry. Bodhi-Baum (Diskussion) 23:42, 4. Okt. 2019 (CEST)
- It sounds like some sort of display of bioluminescence, but I couldn't find anything like that, and I'm pretty sure there were no fireworks and such. I am planning to translate it as "Sterne/stars" as her description of the stars in that chapter is memorable and worth highlighting. Bob Burkhardt (Diskussion) 17:01, 5. Okt. 2019 (CEST) The "Lichtexplosionen" are actually at the beginning of the next chapter. Bob Burkhardt (Diskussion) 19:23, 8. Okt. 2019 (CEST)
[Bearbeiten]Hi, Bob. I don't share your opinion on that one, but leave the decision up to you. To qualify for "innerliches Leben" or something similar, there IMHO should be a noun, e.g. vie intérieur. adjectif vs nom masculin. Since there is more description of the habitation than psychological assessements in the text, I would stick with "Wohnung". best wishes. --Maasikaru (Diskussion) 22:01, 14. Dez. 2019 (CET)
- I will look it over again. The summary is kind of nebulous. Usually there is something more specific. Many thanks for your help on this project. I am sure it reads much better because of your contributions. Bob Burkhardt (Diskussion) 19:32, 15. Dez. 2019 (CET)
- Looking back at the French summary, it qualifies intérieur in both cases with a possessive adjective, as if it were a noun, which I can only interpret as inner life - creative process. As in English if I talked about someone's interior, I wouldn't be talking about their home. But perhaps that's just me. Maybe instead of adding the noun, I should do as in the French, and just add a possessive adjective, like "sein Innerliches". What do you think of that approach, I mean assuming everything gets inflected right? That would provide the same ambiguity as the French, and perhaps that is what the summarizer wished to do - refer to both home life and thought processes with one word. Bob Burkhardt (Diskussion) 19:08, 16. Dez. 2019 (CET)
- Hi, Bob. Have you checked Larousse for the nom masculin? If you want to stay with the personal aspect, you might consider sein "Inneres", "Innerliches" feels even more strange to me. --Maasikaru (Diskussion) 19:31, 16. Dez. 2019 (CET)
- Yes, I think I was wondering about "Innerliches" as well. So I will go with "sein Inneres". Looking at de.wiktionary, this seems to match the ambiguity of the original French pretty well. Larousse seems only to think about physical interiors, in contrast to fr.wiktionary which considers psychological ones as well. Kind of odd. And I was wrong that fr.wiktionary only had it as an adjective, there is "nom commun" as well. Thank you for saving me from "Innerliches" which isn't even in de.wiktionary. Bob
[Bearbeiten]Hi, Bob. I added two possible ways of navigation between the letters to Die Heimath in der neuen Welt/Erster Band/Vierzehnter Brief as a suggestion. You could choose one of these (or both or none of course). Best wishes. --Maasikaru (Diskussion) 23:29, 19. Jan. 2020 (CET)
- and a third (scroll) option at the bottom. --Maasikaru (Diskussion) 23:36, 19. Jan. 2020 (CET)
Hi Maasikaru, Thank you. I will keep both of your navigation methods. It was very awkward always having to go back to the main page to move on to another article.
- Hi Bob, I added two navigation options to all letters. The third on the bottom, still to be seen in Die Heimath in der neuen Welt/Erster Band/Vierzehnter Brief comes a little "overkilly", would however allow scrolling without going to the top of the article ... --Maasikaru (Diskussion) 20:46, 23. Jan. 2020 (CET)
On another note, the Fraktur OCR no longer works for me. This is a long-standing issue, but Bodhi-Baum's industry meant it didn't impact me. It now says "daemon not running" or something similar whenever I push the button. This is what it started saying early on. For awhile recently it was saying "OCR failed" when I pushed the button. When I first started transcribing for this project it worked fine. Well I am a reasonable typist, and actually I don't think it takes me that much longer to type it all in now that I am doing the first pass. Bob Burkhardt (Diskussion) 18:20, 21. Jan. 2020 (CET)
- You may want to use the colored button instead of the grey Fraktur button. It's not perfect, but neither was the grey one when it still worked. best wishes. --Maasikaru (Diskussion) 20:46, 23. Jan. 2020 (CET)
- Do you see a colored OCR-button?, there might be some configuration-setting necessary, if I remember correctly. --Maasikaru (Diskussion) 21:00, 23. Jan. 2020 (CET)
- The OCR-button for Fractur has a graded bluish shading on my browser. I recognize it mostly because it spells out OCR in Fraktur rather than Roman letters and it also pops up a "Fraktur OCR" title when the mouse pointer hovers over it. The other OCR button has OCR in Roman. The regular OCR works, but the results don't seem very worthwhile for Fraktur images. The Fraktur gave very worthwhile results when I tried it out at the beginning of this project. I will check out my preference settings. Bodhi-Baum is back at work, so maybe the need won't be too pressing. Bob Burkhardt (Diskussion) 21:11, 23. Jan. 2020 (CET)
- Have a loook here or better here. Add
- mw.loader.load('//');
- to Benutzer:Bob Burkhardt/common.js. ----Maasikaru (Diskussion) 12:34, 24. Jan. 2020 (CET)
- Please note, that I will be on leave for a few weeks. I'm willing to have a second or third look on your project when coming back in March. --Maasikaru (Diskussion) 12:41, 24. Jan. 2020 (CET).
- Have a loook here or better here. Add
Your solution worked well for me. Thank you. I have always admired the quality of Google's OCR for Roman type faces. It seems to have a little harder time with Fraktur, but the result is very acceptable. Library Guy (Diskussion) 17:36, 24. Jan. 2020 (CET) GoogleOCR seems to understand the Großbuchstabe very well, but has trouble with the Kleinbuchstabe ('k', 's', 'f'). Bob Burkhardt (Diskussion) 18:42, 29. Jan. 2020 (CET)
„And now to something completely different“
[Bearbeiten]Would you like to add something like The numbering of the subsequent letters differs from the original. after Letter XXVIII combines what appear as two letters (XXVIII and XXIX) on en:The_Homes_of_the_New_World ? --Maasikaru (Diskussion) 20:05, 28. Nov. 2021 (CET)
- Maasikaru. I have an explanation at English Wikisource. I think that's really the only place that needs one since it is a peculiarity of the English translation. The German and the French just follow the Swedish numbering. Bob Burkhardt (Diskussion) 20:22, 28. Nov. 2021 (CET)
- Yes, there and only there. I needed quite some time to find out, why letter 35 in Sv/F/D is not letter 35 in En. That the fusion of the two letters has a result on the following letters needs mentioning, IMHO. best wishes. --Maasikaru (Diskussion) 20:27, 28. Nov. 2021 (CET)