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Zeitschriften (Medizin)/fremdsprachige/Medical Herald (St. Joseph, Mo)

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Title history


  • 1.1883 - 9.1891 St. Joseph Medical Herald
  • 10.1891-52.1933, May Portland Oregon, continues the St. Joseph Medical Herald
  • June 1919-1923 title The Medical Herald and Electro-Therapist incorporating the Kansas City Medical Index-Lancet
  • 1924-1929 title The Medical Herald and Physiotherapist incorporating the Kansas City Medical Index-Lancet
  • 1930, Jan-May title The Medical Herald and Physical Therapist
  • 1930, June - 1932, Jan The Medical Herald, Physical Therapist and Endocrine Survey

  • absorbed
    • Kansas City medical index-lancet Kansas, Missouri 1.1879 - 33.1910 (5.1884-33.1910 incompl. Hathitrust Michigan in 1911,
    • Medical Fortnightly and Laboratory News in 1920
    • Endocrine Survey in 1930

1881/1883 St. Joseph Medical Herald


1891-1910 The Medical Herald


1911-1918 The Medical Herald incorporating the Kansas City Medical Index-Lancet


1919-1923 The Medical Herald


1924-1929 The Medical Herald and Physiotherapist incorporating the Kansas City Medical Index-Lancet


1930-1933 The Medical Herald, Physical Therapist and Endocrine Survey


periodicals incorporated by the "Medical Herald"


  • Medical Fortnightly and Laboratory News ↗ZDB, St. Louis, 1892-1919 Forts. →
    • was absorbed by Medical Herald in 1920
    • until 46.1914 title = The Medical Fortnightly : a progressive biweekly magazine for the general practitioner
    • as of 47.1915 Medical Fortnightly absorbed The General Practitioner and The Clinique to form Medical Fortnightly and Laboratory News
    • 1.1892-50.1918 Hathitrust Michigan
    • lacks the following nos. and vols.
      • 2.1893, no. 8 & 10,
      • 3.1893, no. 2 & 7,
      • 4.1894, no. 10-12
      • 5.1894, no. 3 & 10-12
      • 6.1894, no. 8
      • 45.1914, no. 1, 4, 8 & 10-12
      • 46.1914, no. 3 & 8
      • 48.1916 complete year missing
      • 49.1917, all nos. exc. no. 7
      • 50.1918, all nos. exc. no. 11
      • 51.1919, full vol.

  • The General Practitioner, 1.1895 - 2.1896(?)

incorporated as of 1930 - The Endocrine survery


which had 2 preceding periodicals

other journals titled Medical Herald


1) The Leavenworth medical herald, later only Medical Herald


2) Medical Herald (Louisville)


3) Medical Herald (New Albany) = New Albany Medical Herald


4) St. Joseph Medical Herald

  • see dedicated page