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The American Garden

aus Wikisource, der freien Quellensammlung
Titel: The American Garden
Ort: New York
Zeitraum: 1880–1890
1.1880/81 - 12.1891
Artikel bei Wikisource: [[:Kategorie:|]]
  • Flower garden (Brooklyn, N.Y.)
  • [ Gardener's monthly and horticulturist]
  • [ Ladies' floral cabinet]
Nachfolger: American Gardening
Fachgebiete: Gartenbau
Sigle: '
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Eintrag in der GND: [2]
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Bibliographic information / Bibliografische Informationen


preceded // succeeded

  • Preceded by / Vorgänger 1: Flower garden (Brooklyn, N.Y.)
    • yet unidentified / noch nicht identifiziert
  • Preceded by / Vorgänger 2: Gardener's monthly and horticulturist ← Vorg.
  • Preceded by / Vorgänger 3: Ladies' floral cabinet (New York, N.Y. : Henry T. Williams 1.1871 - 16.1887) ← Vorg.
  • Succeeded by: American gardening (merged with Popular gardening to form American gardening as of 13.1892)

subtitles, editors, publishers / Untertitel, Herausgeber, Verlage & Verlagsorte

  • 1.1880/81 - 2.1881 The American Garden : a quarterly illustrated journal devoted to the gardening interests of America, edited by Dr. F.M. Hexamer (New York : B.K. Bliss & Sons)
  • 3.1882 - 4.1883 The American Garden : a monthly illustrated journal devoted to the gardening interests of America, edited by Dr. F.M. Hexamer (New York : B.K. Bliss & Sons)
  • 5.1884 - 6.1885 The American Garden : a monthly journal of practical gardening, edited by Dr. F.M. Hexamer (New York : B.K. Bliss & Sons)
  • 7.1886 - 9.1888 The American Garden : an illustrated journal of horticulture, devoted to the gardening interests of America, edited by Edward Howard Libby (New York : Libby)
  • 10.1889 The American Garden : an illustrated journal of horticulture, devoted to the gardening interests of America, edited by Edward Howard Libby (New York : Garden Pub. Co.)
  • 11.1890 The American garden : an illustrated journal of horticulture combining also the Gardener's monthly, horticulturist and Floral cabinet, edited by L.H. Bailey (New York : The Rural Publishing company)
  • 12.1891 The American garden : an illustrated journal of horticulture combining The Horticulturist, Gardener's Monthly, Floral Cabinet, and Popular gardening and fruit growing, edited by L.H. Bailey and Elias A. Long (New York : The Rural Publishing company)

volume count / alternative Bandzählung

  • 9.1888 =
    • old series vol. 16,
    • combined magazine 42,
    • Gardener's Monthly 30;
    • Horticulturist 42;
    • Floral Cabinet 17

Digitized volumes / Digitalisate der einzelnen Bände
