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Schwere, Elektricität und Magnetismus:406

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Bernhard Riemann: Schwere, Elektricität und Magnetismus
Seite 34
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Moreover, has in general a definite value, and therefore

Q. E. D.

     99. To assist the memory of the student, some of the principal results of Nos. 93-98 may be expressed as follows:

     Let be any solenoidal vector function of position in space, any irrotational vector function, and any scalar function, satisfying the conditions that their potentials have in general definite values.

     With respect to the solenoidal function , and are inverse operators; i. e.,

Applied to the irrotational function , either of these operators gives zero; i. e.,

     With respect to the irrotational function or the scalar function , and are inverse operators; i. e.,

Applied to the solenoidal function the operator gives zero; i. e.,

     Since the most general form of a vector function having in general a definite potential may be written , the effect of these operators on such a function needs no especial mention.

     With respect to the solenoidal function , and are inverse operators; i. e.,

     With respect to the irrotational function , and are inverse operators; i. e.,

     With respect to any scalar or vector function having in general a definite potential and are inverse operators; i. e.,