Northwestern lancet : a semi-monthly medical journal
- Northwestern lancet : a semi-monthly medical journal ↗ZDB, 1.1881 - 24.1904 St. Paul & Minneapolis, Minn. : W. L. Klein Forts. →
- Verlauf korrigieren: 1.1881 - 24.1904 St. Paul & Minneapolis, Minn. : W. L. Klein
- 1.1881 - 20.1900 St. Paul, Minn. : W. L. Klein
- 21.1901 - 24.1904 Minneapolis, Minn. : W. L. Klein
- 1.1881
- 2.1882
- 3.1883
- 4.1884
- 5.1885
- 6.1886
- 7.1887
- 8.1888
- 9.1889
- 10.1890
- 11.1891
- 12.1892
- 13.1893
- 14.1894 California = Google
- 15.1895 California = Google
- 16.1896 California = Google
- 17.1897 Internet Archive (Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, new scan 2019)
- 18.1898 California = Google, Internet Archive (Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, new scan 2019)
- 19.1899 California = Google, Internet Archive (Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, new scan 2019)
- 20.1900 Internet Archive (Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, new scan 2019)
- 21.1901 Internet Archive (Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, new scan 2019)
- 22.1902 Internet Archive (Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, new scan 2019)
- 23.1903 Internet Archive (Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, new scan 2019)
- 24.1904 Internet Archive (Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, new scan 2019)
- as of Jan 1904 merged with Medical Dial ← Vorg.
- The Journal of the Minnesota State Medical Association and Northwestern lancet ↗ZDB, Minneapolis, Minn. : Klein 25.1905 - 31.1911 ← Vorg. ← Vorg. Forts. →
- = merger of Transactions of the Minnesota State Medical Association and Northwestern lancet
- 25.1905 Internet Archive (mit Titelblatt Harvard); Internet Archive (Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, new scan 2019), Internet Archive (College of Physicians of Philadelphia, new scan 2019)
- 26.1906 Internet Archive (College of Physicians of Philadelphia, new scan 2019)
- 27.1907 Internet Archive (College of Physicians of Philadelphia, new scan 2019)
- 28.1908 Internet Archive (College of Physicians of Philadelphia, new scan 2019)
- 29.1909 Internet Archive (College of Physicians of Philadelphia, new scan 2019)
- 30.1910 Internet Archive (College of Physicians of Philadelphia, new scan 2019)
- 31.1911 Internet Archive (College of Physicians of Philadelphia, new scan 2019)
- 27-31.1911 auch Iowa
as of Jan 1904 the Medical Dial merged with Northwestern Lancet
[Bearbeiten]- Medical dial : a monthly record of medicine & surgery ↗ZDB / Editor: J.W. Macdonald, Minneapolis, Minn 1.1898/99 - 5.1903 Forts. →
- merged with Northwestern lancet in Dec. 1903 / as of Jan 1904
- 1.1898/99 Harvard = Internet Archive
- 1.1898/99 nos.1,2, 4-8, 11-12 Michigan = Google = Internet Archive
- 2.1900 Harvard = Internet Archive; Michigan = Google = Internet Archive
- 3.1901 Harvard = Google = Internet Archive; Michigan = Google = Internet Archive
- 4.1902 Harvard = Google = Internet Archive; Michigan = Google = Internet Archive
- 5.1903 Harvard = Internet Archive; Michigan = Google = Internet Archive