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Diskussion:ADB:Strobel, Johann Friedrich

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 15 Jahren von

Hi my name is Sherri Stroebel Wojtas I'm from USA. Michigan, I'm looking for Info. on Friedrich Stroebel late 1700's he was married to Dorothea Mehl. They had 3 or more children Johann George Stroebel b:ABT 1810 ....Barbara b: 1812..... Ulrich b: May 13, 1817 all born in in Middle Franconia, Bavaria . Friedrich Stroebel is my Great Great Great Grandpa, his son Johann had a son Jacob that came to the USA Sawinaw Michigan ABT 1880's If you have any Info. on these Stroebel please contact me at sherriwojtas@gmail.com I would love the help on my family history. Thanks Sherri (Der vorstehende, nicht signierte Beitrag stammt von (DiskussionBeiträge) 00:56, 2. Dez. 2009 (CET)) Beantworten