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Seite:Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin V 683.jpg

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Fertig. Dieser Text wurde zweimal anhand der Quelle korrekturgelesen. Die Schreibweise folgt dem Originaltext.

Collins’ Crown Atlas of Blank Projections. London (Collins) 1870. 4. (6 d.)

– Crown Outline Atlas. Ibid. 4. (6 d.)

– Imperial Atlas of Blank Projections. Ibid. 4. (1 s.)

– Imperial Outline Atlas. Ibid. 4. (1 s.)

Gardner’s Sixpenny Elementary Atlas. London (Gardner) 1870. 4. (6 d.)

Johnston (Keith.), Atlas and Hand-book of Physical Geography, from Original and Authentic Materials. Edinburgh (Johnston) 1870. 8. (5 s.)

Marshall and Laurie’s School Atlas, comprising 16 maps, full coloured. London (Marshall & Laurie) 1870. 4. (6 d.)

– –, Outline Atlas comprising 16 Maps. Ibid. 4. (6 d.)

Mitchell (S. A.), New General Atlas. Philadelphia (Mitchell) 1869. fol. (10 D.)

Nelson’s Royal School Series, Geography and Atlas. N. 1 for Junior Classes. London (Nelson) 1870. (1 s. 6 d.)

– Atlas of the World. New edit. Ibid. (2 s. 6 d.)

Philip’s Popular Atlas of Comparative Geography; comprehending a Chronological Series of Maps of Europe and other Lands etc., by Wm. Hughes. London (Philip) 1870. (30 s.)

– Preperatory Outline Atlas. Ibid. 1870. (6 d.)

– Elementary Outline Atlas. Ibid. Square 16. (6 d.)

– Elementary Atlas for Young Learners, comprising 16 maps full coloured. Ibid. 1870. (6 d.)

– Student’s Atlas of Modern Geography. Edit. by W. Hughes. Ibid. 1870. 8. (7 s. 6 d.)

– Introductory Outline Atlas for Young Learners. 12 Maps. Ibid. 1870. 4. (6 d.)

– Handy Atlas of General Geography. Edit. by W. Hughes. Ibid. 1870. 8. (2 s. 6 d.)

– Select Atlas of Modern Geography, edit. by Wm. Hughes. New edit. Ibid. 1670. roy. 8. (5 s.)

Unwin (W. J.), Homerton College Atlas. Hydrographical, Physical, and Political. Revised edit. London (Longmans) 1870. fol. (12 s. 6 d.)

The Cyclopaedian Atlas; or Atlas of General Maps. Published under the superintendence of the Society for Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. New edit. London (Stanford) 1870. roy. 8. (21 s.)

Harrow Atlas of Modern Geography. New edit. London (Stanford) 1870. fol (12 s. 6 d.)

Family Atlas; a Selection of 80 coloured Maps from the Useful Knowledge Society series. 1870 edit. London (Stanford). fol. (£5. 5 s.)

Complete Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geography. 1870 edit. 2 vols. London (Stanford). fol. (£10.)

The College Atlas for Schools and Families New edit. London (Warne) 1870. Roy.-8. (6 s.)

An Ethnographic Atlas. London (Bagster) 1870. 4. (5 s.)

Frijlink’s Kleine school-atlas. 9e uitg. Amsterdam (Seyffardt) 1870. (f. 0,60.)

Van Santen’s kleine volksatlas van alle deelen der aarde. 2 bl. en 19 gelith. gekl. kaarten. Leijden (van den Heuvell en van Santen) 1870. (f. 0,35.)

Van Santen’s volks-atlas van alle deelen der aarde. In 22 kaarten bewerkt onder toezicht van J. B. Kan. Leijden (van den Heuvell en van Santen) 1870. 4. (f. 0,75.)

Voltelen’s goedkoope school-atlas der geheele aarde. 26 gelith. gekl. kaarten. Arnhem (Voltelen) 1870. (f. 0,75.)

Périgot, Atlas de géographie moderne, à l’usage des écoles primaires. 20 cartes color. Paris (Delagrave & Co.) 1869. 8. (90 c.)

Pavan (M. N.), Atlante storico. Fasc. 7–9. Triest (Dase) 1869. gr. 4. (à 8 Sgr.)

Empfohlene Zitierweise:
Diverse: Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin. Fünfter Band. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer, 1870, Seite 683. Digitale Volltext-Ausgabe bei Wikisource, URL: https://de.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=Seite:Zeitschrift_der_Gesellschaft_f%C3%BCr_Erdkunde_zu_Berlin_V_683.jpg&oldid=- (Version vom 1.8.2018)