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LaTeX Source Code

% complile with »pdflatex -shell-escape«
\usetikzlibrary{spline} %https://github.com/stevecheckoway/tikzlibraryspline
  \tkzSetUpLine[line width=0.4pt]
  \coordinate (S) at (0,0);
  \coordinate (T) at (-14:\ST);
  \coordinate (V) at (15:\SV);
  \coordinate (T2) at ($ (S) !1.02! (T) $);
  \coordinate (V2) at ($ (S) !1.15! (V) $);
  \coordinate (R) at ($(V)+(160:0.28*\SV)$);
  \coordinate (R2) at ($ (V) !1.82! (R) $);
  \coordinate (E) at ($ (S) !0.75! (V) $);
  \coordinate (P) at ($(T)+(-161:0.33*\ST)$);
  \coordinate (P2) at ($ (T) !1.6! (P) $);
  \coordinate (Q) at ($ (V) !0.52! (T) $);
  \coordinate (S2) at ($(S)+(180:0.07*\SV)$);
  \tkzDefLine[parallel=through E](V,T) \tkzGetPoint{P3}
  \coordinate (D) at (intersection of E--P3 and S--T);
  \coordinate (P') at (intersection of E--P3 and T--P2);
  \tkzDefLine[orthogonal=through Q](T,V) \tkzGetPoint{B2}
  \coordinate (B) at (intersection of E--D and Q--B2);
  \tkzDefLine[parallel=through D](B,Q) \tkzGetPoint{Q'}
  \tkzDefLine[parallel=through E](V,R) \tkzGetPoint{C2}
  \tkzDefLine[orthogonal=through R](V,R) \tkzGetPoint{C3}
  \coordinate (C) at (intersection of R--C3 and E--C2);
  \tkzDefLine[parallel=through D](T,P) \tkzGetPoint{A2}
  \tkzDefLine[orthogonal=through P](P,T) \tkzGetPoint{A3}
  \coordinate (A) at (intersection of P--A3 and D--A2);
  \draw (R) .. controls ($(R)!0.75!(V)$) and ($(V)!0.25!(Q)$)
            .. (Q)  .. controls ($(Q)!0.5!(T)$) and ($(P')!0.5!(T)$)
            .. (P') .. controls ($(P')!0.5!(P)$)
            .. (P)  .. controls ($(P)!1.5!(P2)$) and +(-90:2)
            .. (S2) .. controls +(90:2.4) and (R2)
            .. (R);
  \draw (A) -- (D);
  \draw (A) -- (P);
  \draw (B) -- (Q);
  \draw (C) -- (E);
  \draw (C) -- (R);
  \draw[dashed] (D) -- (Q');
  \draw (E) -- (P');
  \draw (P2) -- (T);
  \draw (R2) -- (V);
  \draw (S) -- (V2);
  \draw (S) -- (T2);
  \draw (T) -- (V);
  \draw (A) +(160:0.25) node{$A$};
  \draw (B) +(180:0.25) node{$B$};
  \draw (C) +(180:0.25) node{$C$};
  \draw (D) +(50:0.25) node{$D$};
  \draw (E) +(60:0.3) node{$E$};
  \draw (P) +(-80:0.25) node{$P$};
  \draw (P') +(-80:0.25) node{$P'$};
  \draw (Q) +(10:0.25) node{$Q$};
  \draw (Q') +(10:0.25) node{$Q'$};
  \draw (R) +(80:0.25) node{$R$};
  \draw (S) +(180:0.2) node{$S$};
  \draw (T) +(-20:0.25) node{$T$};
  \draw (V) +(45:0.3) node{$V$};
Empfohlene Zitierweise:
Isaac Newton: Mathematische Principien der Naturlehre. Robert Oppenheim, Berlin 1872, Seite 61. Digitale Volltext-Ausgabe bei Wikisource, URL: https://de.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=Seite:Principien1872-061.png&oldid=- (Version vom 8.7.2021)